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You can rely on our IDV team.
Years of experience and constant development in future-oriented market solutions will become your sales advantage!

Your direct contacts

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Debora Jägle

Head of Operations

+49 (0)6135 9244 245

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Patrick Erth



+49 (0)6135 9244 247

Other team members

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Dr. Vanessa Conin-Ohnsorge


+49 (0)6135 9244 0

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Heike Hermes

Prokuristin Marketing & Vertrieb

+49 (0)6135 9244 0

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Sandra Alexandre

management assistant

+49 (0)6135 9244 0

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Ralf Hoppe

Head of Qualitymanagement,

Key Account Manager

+49 (0)6135 9244 0

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Thomas Wölbing

Head of Data Intelligence

+49 (0)6135 9244 0

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Michael Schnug

Head of Development

+49 (0)6135 9244 0

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